Tuesday, August 13, 2013

layering piece

dress: Anthro clearance
chambray: Lauren Conrad clearance
wedges: Target
shockwaves necklace: [un]possible cuts

I had a lazy week post-Peace Corps reunion.  I had the luxury of being on summer break so I could putter around the apartment in yoga pants for a few days, cooking, reading, and watching Game of Thrones for the first time. This outfit symbolized a return to the world at large. It took having set plans with my friend Rita to actually get me in real clothes. So I got myself all fancied up. Heels, lipstick, the whole shebang. 
I've had two other chambray button ups and this one from Kohl's is my "third time it's a charm." The first one ripped, the second was too stiff, but this one is perfect. Soft and worn in just right. It's a great layering piece, which one needs in the Bay Area.

1 comment:

  1. Love the background shots as well as the outfit
